Making a SWAG here but.....
1. The #33622 is probably the stock number
2. L/W is probably short for Lock Washer
3. 3/8 is probably the L/W size
4. 300 is probably the quantity in the bag.
Did a search and found that the #33622 is assigned to a 3/8 Lock Washer on the Fastenal web site but I didn't find the exact quantity as listed on the bag. I have bought bolts, nuts, and washers from the Fastenal stores and they will put them in a bag for you and I can see them writing the info on the bag.
I would think that the bolts in the zip lock bag have nothing to do with the writing on the bag. So as previously mentioned by Danny, several close-up photos of the bolts from all angles would be needed for the possible identification.