No Luck
At one point I was gonna restore all of the boosters and send them on their way. so....,
Unfortunately I pulled all the check valves, pipes, and hoses - put them in a separate bin. I never took the manifold vacuum ports either.

Sold off 100's of the various check valves over the years, did not leave the paper tags on them.

Still have a ton - -found 5 or 6 of the #2 right on top.
I have the #1 on my 69 Z11 - it came like that 20 years ago on the original booster.
That's kinda why I don't trust survivor cars so much - If the new owner believed (wrongly) - that his check valve or other part was not the one
everyone expected to see, he would just change it to the desired flavor at the time.
Like the dipsticks, oil plugs, and many other items - the believed "typical norm" seems to change from time to time - even though all versions are technically correct.
I did take 1000s of pictures in the yards. We traveled to many remote areas, most of the pics are buddies bent over picking, goofing off, or HUGE fields of cars. Lots of pics of really rare cars that just weren't salvageable (at the time) OMG lol ?
So I guess I can't offer any forensic evidence at this time.
But I can tell you that I have seen, and provided parts for -- many Nationally Certified Survivor cars where parts had been changed in the past. - I will never tell.. lol