Thanx Guys.. Probably not going to happen. I have a dentist appt. and then work long days all week. And lets face it, they don't give a crap really. All these companies do JUST enough to get by. Even this morning the lady insisted I owe the full amount. WHY, because someone who works in the accounting office, dropped the ball and didn't give me credit for the first payment. She said they should have had it all set up showing that a cashiers check was received for 1/2. I had the EXACT same thing happen with "Passport Transport" when I bought this car. The guy wasn't going to release the car to me. Insisted I owe the full amount. He had to call the office and go thru the whole thing. Just like the lady did after we talked on the phone the night before. I have had about 5 call backs for issues since 1993. I have friends that get that many a WEEK! What needs to happen, is they need to find the person that is responsible for making the mistake, 'write them up", 3 write ups and your gone! Bet they pay attention after that.. But nothing will get done. The millionaire owner is sitting at home walking out into his garage, and looking at all the collectible cars he owns. You think he gives a sh*t about me and my door panel.... Doubt it... D