Jeff plugged me in big time on a set of T-3's. I have 2 others that are OK, and not showing any clouding. But NO way even close in condition to the one's I got from him. And yes, go ahead and give those to the bullittman.
I am going to do a count soon on my MICRO's, once I take delivery. I think I may be done searching. As far as the guy I am purchasing from, he will be listing those other's {not squared in the pictures} on eBay soon. I just don't want any gouged one's, so I cherry picked. Also, as of tonight, I will have 10 " M.25 " ... Which in my search are kinda scare. And all 10 in VERY nice condition.
Bullittman, once I get the new good year wide tread GT's mounted and balanced I will pay ya forward some extra's. I will sell the rest to friends or online to help finance my MCACN trip! But I have to check stock on M.75's.
FYI, I was taught by a CRG member that any tire that was needing more than 2.50 ounces during assembly line mounting, was removed, spun around, and rebalanced. Maybe JohnZ can confirm.
Cook, let me dig out and plug in those other two I have and see what happens. I will leave them on for a few minutes and find out. Gotta find out some day right..
I still need to check for original wheel cylinders for a member at my buddies tow yard. And also another YH wheel date. I have not forgotten. LOT'S going on as we all know. .. Danny