HOLLY CRAP... Thank you all SO MUCH!!! What a HUGE out pouring of support. I never have seen anything like it. I don't know what to say..
I guess I better start by saying thank you all very much for leaving this post up. I guess it's pretty non-related but I felt compelled as I enjoy being here with you guys.
The surgery was 6 hours! Recovery at one friends house for 8 days, then another friends for 4. With my Dads property issues, and his dementia, and other friends with heart attacks, computer probelms and the whole game of life, I have neglected to keep up with email etc. Talk about good friends... I was given 10K CASH to help with my bills. Don't have to pay it back!
The surgeon told me he could take a thyroid out in less than an hour with a steak knife. BUT, I had 3 big tumors that had to come out. And 20 lymph nodes. 18 had Cancer. So it was a central and a left node dissection. He said he hasn't had to cut like that in a long time. I am still pretty dizzy when I look straight up or straight down. I guess it takes a while to get all that medicine out of me that they used to knock me out. Crazy!! So missing a lot of work and trying to do some small jobs. I go on a special no iodine diet for 14 days. Then I take the radioactive iodine treatment and go in to isolation for 7 days. Can't be with-in 7 feet of anybody for those 7 days or they could get infected. Hopefully that does it and no radiation. I am rambling now, you all get it. Thanx and looking forward to catching up on all the fun posts on Camaro's. No worries on my info being private.
Daniel J. C. is correct. Address and phone number if it's ever needed not a problem. And I WAS and will be back at UCSF in San Fran. Nice detective work... Over and o... wait a minute, I am not OUT yet. Danny...