Well guys, long story short I got myself a case of the Cancer. I found 3 large tumors in my throat Jan 1st of 2013 while shaving. I checked the other side and of course there was nothing there. Had them tested 7 months later and they all came back malignant. A couple of you know about this already. I have thyroid Cancer. If it was just regular thyroid Cancer it would be a snap. While this would normally be a 45 minute to 1 hour operation, it is deep in my limp nodes and behind my clavicle. Which they can't get to. Went to a hospital in San Francisco and got the bulk of the bad news. Anyway, I go to the city tomorrow, then the 6 hour surgery is Tuesday at 6am. Then radioactive iodine treatments, and radiation after that. If all that doesn't work, then I was told to get my affairs in order. They gave me a 65% chance of survival. While I wish it was 90%, it's surely better than 30%.
I know none of you are my personal friends, but just wanted to say... just in case... it has been SO FUN hanging out with you all online. I am sorry if I hurt anybody. Take Care of yourselves and I will hopefully be back online after all this recovery and treatment is done with. Over and out... Danny