If you are coming to look for parts, call suppliers and inquire about them ahead of time. If they have it, they can bring it and you can save shipping. A whole lot of the activity on Thursday is persons picking up pre-ordered parts.
A list of the vendors expected to be there would be great..
... as I hope to save some shipping dollars. I'll be buying all the soft parts for this car at the show.
I just began last Thursday with a mad rush to finish body work, and paint the 57 Nomad body, I've spent most of several days since going thru my shop pulling out the 57 Nomad parts I tucked away 20+ yrs ago when I disasembled the car and did the body work.. (it's been on the rollover rack ever since; we even moved it to the paint shop on my homemade rack!)
I'm 65+, and I probably moved 2000 lbs of parts today, plus a 55 Nomad with all 4 tires flat to get to the parts that I tucked away... Oooooohhhhh my aching back!!!
PS. Found some more parts from my '69 Z28 that I haven't seen in about that long too..