Thanks guys.. I couldnt remember on the transmission. The man i got it from said its a Turbo350. So if the car was born as a PG then that rules out a true SS for sure..
I agree the color is pretty, but at some point they painted the car with blue spray paint from lows...

and sprayed the seats as well, maybe even the top.
The paint is so bad, i was embarassed to drive it! And i still ride a suburban thats been threw 2 tornados, a major hair sortm a few blizzards and huricane.. There isnt a stright body pannel left on it. Its not that paint is "bad" that bothered me, Its the " lazy work done" to get that paint job..
So we started wet sanding it. My thoughts where crap cant look worse, So bunch of time, some hurting arms later i have very very smooth faded out, camaro now.. Even thought it look real bad its better than it was..
To all the 100% perfect guys, Grab a trash can you might need it

what looks like reflections in the stripes are runs..

trunk, the stripes would just flake off.. if you look close you can see it in the bottom left, also you can see where they tried to fix it with tape.

about 20 min of work and the stipes are gone. I didnt get that lucky on the hood

Next day i repainted stripes back on with spray paint, The hood burned threw as soon as i started wet sanding. I didnt want to look like a dumb ars with racing stripes on the hood and non on the trunk. Flat black with sand paper



wet sanding with one of my hellions.

rough looking but a lot better than the smurf blue with runs...

It hasent been washed so all of that little stuff will come off.

passanger side

This crap will have to go, no clue why the want that much spring, The gas is stiffer than my clutch in the corvette..

more shady work

I guess now ill just, plasti dip it clear, or maybe that KOI orange, then wait and see what you all can help me figure out.. With out a known owner, or any paper work its pretty much a shot in the dark, Besided color and V8 thats about all i have to go on. It does have disk brakes, but i only see one fuel line going into the fuel pump, I also cant see under the car for the second bracket as the web page shows.
If it turns out to just be just a " regular " camaro instead of a SS, Im going to continue down the road of changing stuff.. But if its a True SS, which i doubt it going by the column shift, Ill sent out for a factory repaint and all new interior. Then put it away.
Bottom line is i dont want to go do a Motor, trans, rear end, color swap, on a 30,000 original mile car if its a true SS...