The same thing happened for some folks with this site several months ago. In a few cases it took several days to get back on. In fact, for about 2 hours last night I couldn't connect with CRG. Contrary to popular belief, most web sites do not have an endless capacity, and sometimes they are down for maintenance. Even large corporate sites like utility companies experience slow response periods. RamAirDave gave you the best advice. Clear everything out and start from scratch with your link. Beyond that be patient. If everything else connects with your computer, it's probably not you.
Come to think of it, on really hot days some 50s and 60s cars had this "mysterious" starting problem. After they had been driven for several hours, if you turned them off and then tried to start them right back up, they wouldn't start. Some owners spend big bucks on new starters, batteries, etc; but the problem still persisted. I knew a shade tree mechanic who gave the best advice, "Wait five minutes and see what happens."