The only thing I could tell from his photos was that his VIN on the engine block was MUCH more distinct than any others I've ever seen. On my original one, it took a lot of effort on my part to even find it, but once I did I was able to make it out, and it matched the Trans stamping. On mine, all the stamped VINs matched, on the transmission, the hidden stamps, and the engine, but the stamping on the engine wasn't as deep as the others (being on cast iron) nor as deep as it appeared to be on this car... but I think one would have to examine *hundreds* of cast engine stampings to judge whether it was 'wrong' or not. Based on what is shown in the pictures, it appears to be a 'real car' to me... with an original engine.. as the DZ stamp also looked good (the strange '6' was a bit odd, but I've seen other 'odd' characters used in engine codes before on original cars.)