I need help from some of you veteran restorers. I have a Garnet Red 69 Z/28 in the disassembly stages. I have collected information from several paint suppliers, and the first was a Sherwin Williams Ultra 7000, and second Metalux Basecoat. The chip the computer came up with for 52 Garnet Red was SR 640, but there was a Kagillion shades close to the SR 640. I actually have been a PPG/Ditzler fan and would like to use PPG BC/CC. My question to the CRG is what chip has been found to be the closest to the original 52 code Garnet Red? Is this same code as in SR 640 the shade across the board for all brands of paint for code 52?
Secondly, Does the interior color, which happens to be red also, have a paint code? This car has red deluxe interior and I will need to paint the dash, dash cluster, console, etc. How do you find out what shade of red this would be? What kind of paint has been found the best for painting the plastic parts like the dash cluster and the console?
Third, I have a question about the Z/28 stripes. What do the judges say about modern paint jobs with BC/CC and the stripes being part of the paint job. Originally the stripes were raised and could be felt by the touch. Is this modern Technology a factor that is accepted by the Judges? Or is there a procedure for this?
Thank You in advance,