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Great presentation. It's great to see these parts viewed in this manner so we can choose whether to look for original or buy reproductions site unseen. Unless you have an original part to compare with, it is often hard to comparison shop.
I'm surprised that any vendor spent the money to design and develop the dies to reproduce that hook, in view of the potentially VERY low demand for the part.
Lloyd, thank you for taking the time to do the write up - not hared to do, but it takes time. Congrats on the find.....you have become a real master on locating these orig parts....Can u help me find a AC convert fender baffle?
Lloyd, in the pictures it appears that the 4 tabs on the mast bracket are slightly thicker on the repro part than on the original. Is that so, and (if correct) is the steel used throughout the repro version of a heavier gauge?