Author Topic: GM gets bailed out, then goes to China??  (Read 18049 times)


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GM gets bailed out, then goes to China??
« on: January 24, 2013, 06:25:25 AM »
WOW, this has been around a while and I forgot about it. It's making the rounds again. Do yourself a favor and check it out. What a mess for sure..... Danny

Mike S

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Re: GM gets bailed out, then goes to China??
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2013, 12:50:34 PM »
It's a sad time we live in these days. Greed is running wild.  
  China's military and space technology has grown enormously and will eventually overshadow and easily trump our ability. China has learned over night what took our manufacturing techniques decades to develop and perfect. We are living in the era of corporate greed to raise the bottom line at any expense including America jobs. If jobs aren't sent off shore then American jobs are replaced with cheaper cost visa workers (I am speaking from personal experience). All for the interest of the share holders profits.
   I want to be alive when this all backfires on the US and its corporations if and when a war breaks out and China is either backing our foes or directly involved such as was the case in Korea, and they confiscate the US factories and defeat our military. I'll be especially looking forward to hearing the corporate millionaires beg Washington to do something about it. This is a very sore subject with me because I am indirectly involved first hand with this shameful practice and I see, hear and know what the corporate whores who make the millions do.
  My family has been a GM loyalist for decades, but no longer. I'll be switching my loyalty to either Ford or Chrysler though some of their manufacturing plants are in other countries as well but at least it's not a "Thanks America for the bailout.... now we move your jobs to China" in your face. They can take their new China made cars and "CHEV IT"

« Last Edit: January 24, 2013, 01:35:40 PM by Mike S »
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Re: GM gets bailed out, then goes to China??
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2013, 02:26:18 PM »
Seems to me there were a lot more jobs saved than just those of the corporate millionaires. Wonder how much the president of the UAW earns? The reality is that we are all in competition whether we like it or not. If someone or some company can produce a product that is either cheaper, or better than others, those individuals/companies that cannot will be left behind. It's the reality of life. If someone can come up with a way that I can do whatever it is that I want all the time, and still earn a living, sign me up. I haven't found that utopia yet, nor do I expect to.

Jimmy V.
Jimmy V.


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Re: GM gets bailed out, then goes to China??
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2013, 02:27:46 PM »
China.... I had several major publishers after the book but in the end all wanted to print and bind in PRC.  I said NO.

100% made in the USA at:

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Re: GM gets bailed out, then goes to China??
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2013, 02:56:22 PM »
 Cheaper and better don't necessarily go hand in hand. And if GM can build them cheaper that doesn't mean it's better. Look at the things sold at Harbor Freight for example...all Chinese made and at best they can be considered disposable due to the low quality in build, materials or other things. Many of the imported auto parts made in China do not hold up as long in service as an American part. This is from personal experience in my 40 years of car ownership and doing the work myself. Also, no matter how low cost GM will pay for building a car, I doubt the cost savings will be passed on to the US consumers. Much of the Harley parts I get now are made in China and you can see Harley lowered the quality bar in that area.
   Today it's all about making profits and more of it at any expense. I'm not against making profits but the culture today is way out of control when it comes to greed and the America people are paying for it. But nothing will change because corporations have a strangle hold on Washington. When the US gets defeated by China either militarily or industrially (maybe both)then Washington will eventually wake up.
 Sorry for the rant but I have witnessed this going on for 15+ years and seen people lose their jobs only to take much lower paying ones with many outside their expertise , losing homes and marriage breakups and some commit suicide because they could not get another job after searching for years.

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Re: GM gets bailed out, then goes to China??
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2013, 03:29:20 PM »
Mike, I understand where you are coming from as far as the individuals losing jobs, etc. I know it's tough out there. But as far as I know, the only way forward is to keep working hard, and becoming better at what you do. Because the other guys are doing it. Now it's the Chinese. 35 years ago, it was the Japanese. There was an adjustment that had to be made by American Car companies when that occurred as well. But we have all been the beneficiaries of that in the quality of the cars we can purchase today.

Jimmy V.
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Re: GM gets bailed out, then goes to China??
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2013, 06:27:29 PM »
If someone or some company can produce a product that is either cheaper, or better than others, those individuals/companies that cannot will be left behind. It's the reality of life.

The main problem is that companies that want to produce a product that is cheaper and better (manufacturing) have a nearly impossible time competing with 50 cents an hour for labor, and disregard of labor and environmental laws.  The playing field is not close to being even.


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Re: GM gets bailed out, then goes to China??
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2013, 08:29:54 PM »
If someone or some company can produce a product that is either cheaper, or better than others, those individuals/companies that cannot will be left behind. It's the reality of life.

The main problem is that companies that want to produce a product that is cheaper and better (manufacturing) have a nearly impossible time competing with 50 cents an hour for labor, and disregard of labor and environmental laws.  The playing field is not close to being even.

There's truth in what you are saying. But the playing field never has been level, nor will it ever be. Still comes back to having to get better or get left behind. It's just a fact of life, whether we like it not.

Jimmy V.
Jimmy V.

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Re: GM gets bailed out, then goes to China??
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2013, 08:36:26 PM »
  I always felt the US was better in many areas. We become the world leader by being better than others and now these countries are learning our ways because the methods and technology are handed to them to make goods cheaper off shore. Not sure how you can compete with cheap low cost labor. Even the visa workers that come here and hired over US workers are payed much less (I know because I work along side them where I work). Sure ,we can take a pay cut to stay attractive in the job market but housing and the cost of living will certainly not go down to make living a non-struggle way of life. Then there are the tax write offs going off shore and also loop holes corporations take advantage of going off shore (I have witnessed that). It still comes down to excessive greed.
 This is certainly a complex problem and can be discussed for days so I'll back off my rants :).

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Re: GM gets bailed out, then goes to China??
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2013, 09:06:09 PM »
There's truth in what you are saying. But the playing field never has been level, nor will it ever be. Still comes back to having to get better or get left behind. It's just a fact of life, whether we like it not.
Jimmy V.

You are right, I don't like it, but it's a fact of life.  Cheap foreign junk is everywhere and I even have it on one of my 69 Camaros (the clone).  On the clone car, if I couldn't find a made in the USA part, on went the foreign part from Rick's or HBC.  Blech.


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Re: GM gets bailed out, then goes to China??
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2013, 12:40:42 AM »
But nothing will change because corporations have a strangle hold on Washington.

Not true. No one has less influence in Washington than U.S. manufacturing companies, as our legislators and policymakers in Washington have no interest whatsoever in supporting manufacturing - they don't understand what it takes to be competitive in Manufacturing, and don't want to be drawn into a public debate that highlights their ignorance.

It's a world economy, whether you like it or not, and we're not going to get any help in the form of a Manufacturing policy from Washington. In the meantime, deal with it.

GM has sold more Buicks in China than they have in the U.S. for MANY years - this isn't "new news".
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Re: GM gets bailed out, then goes to China??
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2013, 12:59:31 AM »
With the highest corporate tax rate in the world and some of the toughest regulations, why would any company want to stay here?  Washington is at war with the hand that feeds them.  If a company doesn't make a profit, there is no reason for it to exist.  If we want American companies and American jobs, we have to make the US a place that companies can and will want to base manufacturing in.

Mike S

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Re: GM gets bailed out, then goes to China??
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2013, 01:52:05 AM »
But nothing will change because corporations have a strangle hold on Washington.

Not true. No one has less influence in Washington than U.S. manufacturing companies, as our legislators and policymakers in Washington have no interest whatsoever in supporting manufacturing - they don't understand what it takes to be competitive in Manufacturing, and don't want to be drawn into a public debate that highlights their ignorance.

It's a world economy, whether you like it or not, and we're not going to get any help in the form of a Manufacturing policy from Washington. In the meantime, deal with it.

GM has sold more Buicks in China than they have in the U.S. for MANY years - this isn't "new news".
I respectfully disagree...true. I've been in the computer field for 40 years and have seen manufacturing in the US vanish and almost overnight. If people don't think there is any influence then all they have to look at HP and Microsoft who after firing many Americas and outsouring jobs overseas.what isn't off shored they constantly lobby in DC to try and increase visa limits to import more foreign worked into the US. So the H1B program which was once used to find hard to fill positions for specialized talent is now the America job replacement program. Washington knows this abuse is going on and is powerless to do anything about it. I see it at work daily. I won't even mention the oil companies influence in Washington. We all know too well about that. ALEC is another example of corporate influence in policy making. The list can get lengthy.
 But yes, I deal with it like you and everybody else. We have no choice anymore. Finding "Made in the USA" anything is like finding NOS parts.  ;)

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Re: GM gets bailed out, then goes to China??
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2013, 02:00:34 AM »
With the highest corporate tax rate in the world and some of the toughest regulations, why would any company want to stay here?  Washington is at war with the hand that feeds them.  If a company doesn't make a profit, there is no reason for it to exist.  If we want American companies and American jobs, we have to make the US a place that companies can and will want to base manufacturing in.
I agree. The tax system needs to be revamped and loop holes closed to make the US attractive to do business in again. Too much corporate tax dodging is being done. Read up on how Microsoft and HP do it to dodge taxes while keeping jobs off shore. It will make your head sure made the Senate Subcommittee investigations take notice.

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Re: GM gets bailed out, then goes to China??
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2013, 02:33:02 PM »
Wow i did not know this... but i am not surprised either...  :-\

especially since our political folks have IMHO these days forgotten they took an oath to preserve and protect the US Constitution against all Foreign and Domestic enemies...  lately I think a whole mess of them have crossed the line into the enemy category...   >:(

so why would they do anything to keep manufacturing here... where we used to make everything... now the excuse is we can go over seas and basically get slave labor....  world economy or not this I think is the down fall of our great nation... it is not about us... and our founding fathers ideals are a thorn to all the others who want it changed...  :'(

Lets count some facts:

1) we have lost some of our Freedom of Press... the media reports what they want and how they want it seen... do you really think you are getting the full picture? Ask your self who owns the media reporting source and what their agenda is.

2) We are loosing our Freedom of free speech... why do you think they call it politically correct???  for goodness sake should you say the wrong thing!

3) and now we are likely loosing our other freedoms and our Constitution...  especially the right to bear arms...

4) have you noticed that there is always racism, abortion issues, gun issues, gay issues.... why is this???... it is the focus to keep you unfocussed from the real issues...  All I have to say is just follow the money...

i did not mean to get on my soap box here... now they'll be looking at me for speaking the truth... LOL  anyway we all need to do our part in keeping this country a great nation... we still are the beacon of light in this world... so do your part...    ;D

GI Joe

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