Here is what we have so far - arranged by axle date.. We need more data points for axle assembly dates between late June and early August.
06A - 9N665238
BM 0625G
860, casting date unknown
07A - 9N6687XX
BU 0630G2
860, casting date E 26 9
08E 9N677163
C BL 0812G2
08E 9N677954
C BS 0805G
341, casting date G 25 9
C BL 0806G1
341, casting date G 23 9
Unknown build week and/or VIN
C BM 0807G1
860, casting date F 24 9
08E 9N677163
C BL 0812G2
08D 9N6745xx
C BU 0818G2
unknown casting number or date
C BS 0820G2
341, casting date H 11 9
C BU 0828G2
341, casting date H 13 9
C BU 0828G2
341, unknown casting date
09A - 9N680789
C BU 0828
341, casting date unknown
C BU 0826 or 0828
unknown casting number or date
C BU 0829G1
341, casting date G 31 9
Unknown build week and/or VIN
C BS 0829G1
341, casting date H 17 9
09C 9N685397
C BU 0910G1
341, casting date I 2 9
Unknown build week and/or VIN
C BU 0916
341, casting date I 6 9 (changed to I 6 9 - could not be J 6 9, J is October)
Unknown build week and/or VIN
C BS 1028G1
341, casting date J 3 9