JMCbeth you are right in alot of ways. I never got my shop up, but I did alot of work on friends shops.
The lift idea is great on wheels. Build a lean-to on the side and when not in use roll it out of the shop and out of the way. IF you have room??
Lighting is great, nice commercial lighting does the trick. Don't get them from box stores, go to an electrical supply house.
Heated floors are the best. Trying to heat large cubic feet can be expensive. Like I mentioned before, on demand tankless with zone valves.
Check into a company called "BIG ASS Fans". Throw one of those with 6 or 8 or 10 foot blades in the ceiling with a remote and variable speed.
Electrical outlets at both sides of the lift mounted to it AND in the floor! That's right flush mount in the floor with nice brass covers.
Air lines on both sides of the lift and all over the bench area is great. I am a plumber for the last 24 years, and I do all my friends air lines in type "L" or "K" copper. With gauges, moisture filters and drain downs
looking down so you can drain condensation. Also make sure to stub out air lines OUTSIDE in front of the shop in between the rollups. A few feet of pipe and some fittings.
While you are at it always run a mixing valve out front also for hot and cold water. Install a filtration system in-line so that way you can wash your car with filtered warm water.
And when you spill trany fluid or the like, you have hot water to wash it down.
It really is endless, I could go on and on. But I will tell you one other thing I have built for friends is a tall bench. And by that I mean a bench that is 48 inches high. Almost everybody builds there benches to low. Then I
watch them bend down while they are trying to see something. If you don't want your whole bench that height, then just build a 2 or 3 foot section at 48 to 50 inches. TRUST me,... when you are trying to solder some wires, or work on a small item it is great to just look almost right at it with out bending over. I have even built REMOVABLE 2 foot sections that clamp on your bench. Hang it on the wall, and take it down when needed and drop it into place and clamp it. Mount a baby vice, small light, magnifying glass, and those little vices with 2 or 3 flex arms on it ready to go. I wish I had pictures. I have been in multi-million dollar shops with live dolphins in the back yard!! And they build there benches at 30 inches??? Why
Never could understand that. I mention it and people laugh at me. And they do it with a sore back
... Danny