The short version is all 3 made the list (H, I, J)… Tom-'H', Kurt-'I', & Mike 'J'.
Tom – I’ll have a sample of H with ‘the’ in all caps for your review. Even if you like the new version more than ‘H’, ‘H’ will still be on the list because another member likes that one as well.
Guys- let’s not get too wrapped up in the exact layout. All I am looking for at this point are ideas. Once a winner is selected it will be turned over to Steve’s wife and her expertise to finalize the design & forward it to us for our review. I'm just the cut & paste guy...

Also, I plan to combine all those in the running & have them posted sometime on the 21st. This way we can double check to make certain no one was left out.
Phillip - Hmmm!!!

Again...thanks for baring with me guys. I think it will all make sense in the end.