I am hoping that someone might have an idea of what I need to do next. The original pump would not spray/squirt. So off it came and I found that the black rubber bellows, (the rubber part that has the spring attached to it inside housing), was torn. I couldn't find a replacement so I bought a new replacement white head pump. The new pump is made slightly different than the original in two areas.
First the pump frame mounting holes are 3/4" further apart end to end. It can still be used by using another hole with a longer bolt at the top left side of pump toward the center.
SecondThe bellows part is not made the same but the design should work. I installed the new pump and the large black plastic gear will only rotate one turn until it gets stuck and won't move. The metal strap that moves back and forth still moves and tries to catch the gear but it won't budge. If I take the sliding lever and spring off and manually rotate the gear past the stuck area and put back together it works for one more rotation and then sticks in same location again. But the sprayers are working now but won't shut off at all. They actually spray twice more after the wipers park when turned off. I kept searching for parts and found grilleteeth.com, and they have a rubber bellows that replaces the one I need. Ordered and received the new bellows from grilleteeth.com and installed on old pump. I also changed out the washer valve kit. Wired back up and still no washer spray. I have primed the hoses and can actually squirt water through the nozzles if I use a shringe to add slight pressure to supply hose. All other components are new. It now seems as though the switch may or may not be working because I can not hear a clicking when I push in to activate the washers. I previously rewired the entire car and all grounds are good including the one at the wiper motor and at the switch. And just if you are wondering the 4 sided gear/cog on the motor does constantly rotate. Any thoughts?

Thanks for hearing me out.