So Ed, that goofy looking switch thing is actually just a part of the wiper? That would make sense now and it does have a black wire going to it. Besides the lightness of the AIM (and I am using the chassis manual diagram because of that), all the wire diagrams for Camaro suck in general IMO because of the incompleteness and the layering of idiot lights with the gauges and not separating which is which. Look in the chassis manual wiring diagram for the Chevelle, it shows where each of the idiot light wires goes for each bulb.
John, I forgot was I was looking at in my post. To clarify: The cloth covered W/B PPL wire on the coil and the yellow wire (which isn't labeled and is what goes with my cloth wire) is the same one that goes to the R terminal on the solenoid?
Just about have it narrowed down. Do either of you know if the wire going to the Alt. (W) really turns into an ORG fusible link before it goes to the VR? If so, is there a source for just this wire and if not could I just use the extra ORG fusible link wire I have and splice the W wire in since it's under the wrap?