Author Topic: 1967 rs headlight door operation  (Read 7589 times)


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1967 rs headlight door operation
« on: October 03, 2009, 03:13:04 PM »
Hello all...
I am needing support regarding the headlight door operation of my 67 rs. I have an original L30/M20 since 1977 and in 1978 crashed the front end, couldn't find an rs nose so replaced with a 68 std clip, got it painted, ran it until 2000 when I was able to get nos GM fenders and aftermarket headlight buckets, limit switches, motors, and a local guy had other parts like a wiring harness, relay board and relays. Anyway, got it all together and the doors opened and closed electronically for the first time since I have owned the car! Pretty cool, so drove to show a friend and when I got there nothing worked. Over the course of time and checking connections, etc, now the doors close by themselves but do not open. I'm thinking relays or harness but figured I would look to the CRG forum for others with similar experiences and/or advice. I have a friend who is a tech in a local speed/performance shop who says he will help but never seems to find the time... think he is avoiding this one :)
Any advice/suggestions would be appreciated...


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Re: 1967 rs headlight door operation
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2009, 03:58:46 AM »
Not sure if this is your problem, but it is useful information that I wished I had.  I installed a complete 67 RS headlight system on my car.  I had to use the diode harness under the dash on the headlight switch.  One think I found out that was not in any of the books and diagrams I had was that the limit switches (that turn the system on and off when hit by the doors when they open or close) are one way.  I had them wired with the power going in one side and out the other and my doors did not work.  I tried everything with the relays etc. until I figured out that reversing the limit switches solved my problem.  I am not sure that this is your problem, but during your installation, try flipping the limit switches around so that the power in and out is reversed.  There is no indication (at least not on my switches) which way they were supposed to go so I assumed they were universal.  Well, they are not.  So try reversing them to see if these help.


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Re: 1967 rs headlight door operation
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2009, 01:36:35 AM »
Thanks sdkar, I also heard that if the limit switches are receiving a good ground that could cause similar seems like focus in on them. Funny thing is like I described, they worked 3 x's perfectly and I hadn't changed anything since (about 9 yrs ago). Will get a chance to mess with them this weekend and will post when they work  :D Cross your fingers...

