..Whats" EARLY STYLE 1/4 panels"..?? ...Never heard of that before..?? whats that all about.?
Maybe this will help.....
From CRG:
"Quarter panel styles: There appear to be 3 types of 1967 quarter panels that are distinguished by appearance in the door jamb area. The "early style" jamb includes a stamped indentation, in the shape of a conventional telephone handset, surrounding the door latch pin. The "middle style" includes this "telephone" shaped impression, but adds to it 5 small indentations that are in a vertical column near the leading edge of the jamb. The "late style" jamb is like the "middle style", including the 5 vertical indentations, but the top portion of the telephone-shape impression is partially truncated. The early-to-mid transition occurs around November/December. The mid-to-late transition seems to be in March/April."