Did some research and this is what I found:
67 All 396,427 exc. PG ........................... 3913415 Black 67 AIM L35 A11
67 302 ................................................. 3910965 Yel. 67 AIM Z28 A3
68 Pass,Chevy,Camaro 302,396,427 .......... 3923501 Grn 68 Aim L35 A10, Z28 A2
69 Chevy,Chevelle, Camaro 303,396 .......... 3950210 L Grn 69 AIM L35 A8, Z28 A8
The 67 L78 uses the Black spring but where does the spring mount on the coil. Does it go over the long screw that tightens the bracket up on the coil , like on the 69 (L78,L89)or does it use the hole provided on the coil bracket? Buy the way does anyone know why the 69 is done that way???
John Z, found some info that indicates that there were 2 throttle levers used for the 67 BB up to 2-8-67 3879422 after 2-8-67 3912599. If this is is true, do you know the reason for the change?