Many different "CE" blocks had a date code stamped on the starter mounting pad.
Don't confuse the "010" pattern ID (which identifies a foundry pattern piece for a 3970010 block) with the "010-020" raised numbers that indicate the 0.1% and 0.2% tin and nickel content in some blocks; that was an extended tryout where the added tin was to improve machinability and the added nickel was to improve bore wear. It was discontinued when the promised warranty improvements failed to appear, and the added cost was no longer justified. The "010-020" blocks weren't tied to any particular usage - the foundry had no idea whether any 3970010 block was going into a car, truck, marine engine, or any other usage, and the engine plant had no clue about the VIN of any car an engine would end up in. Both foundries produced 300 block castings per hour, and both engine plants produced 300 engines per hour; nobody kept any "lists".