When I rebuilt my system years ago, I found a combination of resources were helpful in tandem.
Detail photos, Hand assembly and disassy order (Separate Left from Right) and stack-notes and drawings/sketches, AIM Z22 section, Mfr Repop instruction sheets & a out of production Gage & RS pamphlet from Classic Camaros (80's). Another concern was resisting the wholesale rip-out and throw away, some minor existing parts (T's, wave washers & wraps etc) were better cleaned up evaluated and reused. I have noticed that the 1980's kits the hoses tend to continual split down a molding seam causing continual frustration from leaks, I look forward to also hearing for others if the Hose kit quality has increased.
Work slow and deliberately, Others will also be able to get into the level of detail you might seek, down to the direction the over center spring is to face LoL