Author Topic: 1969 Camaro SS Factory A/C Control cable/switch  (Read 1738 times)


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1969 Camaro SS Factory A/C Control cable/switch
« on: August 19, 2020, 06:29:09 PM »
I am repairing a VERY nice 1969 Camaro SS 396 for a customer. The A/C (Vertical) slide control on the dash that is on the far left of the 3 slides,closest to the steering column, operates the A/C compressor (on/off) bi-level, norm and hot temp control. When you move this slide all the way to the top, it is supposed to disengage the A/C compressor. This cable is not adjusted properly and will not slide all the way to the top. Where does this cable adjust, at the backside of the dash control panel or at the switch module? Where is the A/C control module located (where this cable terminates and operates the A/C switch)? I am orienting myself before I begin disassembling unnecessarily.

