Ko-lek-tor, I guess I missed that earlier thread... (edit: and THANKS for hand feeding me this new information!)...
I suppose the material under the heater box lip *could have been applied with a gun/applicator*, but after 47 yrs it sure looks like old gray strip caulk to me (same as I've found in similar applications on original cars from the fifties thru the 60's)... There was certainly *nothing* sprayed around the outside of the heater box on my car...
Further EDIT: After all this discussion, I went down and re-examined my heater box and firewall area (still exactly as when I removed the heater box), and after a closer examination I conclude that the 'gray sealer material' used on the firewall/heater box interface WAS likely applied from a pressurized caulking gun in the production environment. Although the color and consistency of the sealer on my firewall/heater box is extremely similar to '3M strip caulk', I can tell by looking more closely that it was NOT in strips, but applied in a thick bead, which is also more consistent with a production process. Is the 'Lord Fusor' or '3M bedding/glazing compound' available in a 'gray color'??
PS. I also took better photos if anyone would like to see them...