Well my relatives think it is an obsession. What counts as an obsession though? (Its not like I have a data base of cars I follow

Seriously though, I have a handful of vehicles, which do have some turn over. I may obsess over different little things.
Battery wise it would be great to find a Y77 (used or un-used) that I could have on hand, just to be able to pop in to make the car all original.
It would be cool to have a "box" topper that slid onto the top of my Delco side post Battery. I would need a donor for that idea as well though.
When I was in Indiana recently I actually had to purchase a new battery for the car, and was bummed my green eye Delco went out, and the replacements don't even have the green eye anymore. It lasted 7 years, and only got started a couple times a year, so guess I should be happy about that.
Bill I would keep the old battery, maybe empty it, and just have it on hand. I guess it depends on the show, if it is worth doing the swap.