I didn't win the lottery, but I hit the jackpot on Craigslist. A pair of NOS 69 inner fender wells appeared in Kentucky. When I called I asked if he had anything else, and he had a bunch of stuff from an 85 year old man that was cleaning out his barn. This guy (a self-professed non-camaro guy) was selling the stuff for him and wanted it gone, and was only doing it so the old man wouldn't just throw it away.
A pair of 69 NOS inner fender wells, 3 NOS fuzzies (2 front 1 back), 4 spear moldings and 2 retainers. I won't brag about the prices because its rude. He wouldn't split stuff up, so I had to buy everything.
I tried to leave but he wanted to get rid of everything, so I also bought a cowl air cleaner which I don't need and 69 brakes and odd 68 brakes that I think are actually chevelle. He had a bunch of pulleys and brackets and other stuff I didn't know anything about, so I said no to the rest. That was probably a mistake.
But the lesson is CALL. When I got there (4 hr drive one way), he complained about all the emails and that every single person wanted to have him ship stuff. He just wanted to get rid of it, he didn't want to email people and he had no interest in shipping anything. Great guy - best parts trip ever.