Here is a great collection of nearly 30 color photographs of the Trans Am race that took place at Mid Ohio Sports Car Course in Lexington, Ohio on June 11, 1967. I found them dispersed throughout the over 3,000 photogrpahs in the Ohio Valley Region of the SCCA's historical photo gallery. I thought that it would be much easier for people to view them if I put them together here in this thread instead of just posting the link. Unfortunately, there is no information about who took or submitted the photos. There are additional photos of the '68, '70, and '71 Trans Am races held at Mid Ohio sprinkled throughout and I plan on creating threads for each one. Stay tuned.
For those that want to see the other cool historic photos of other forms of motorsports that people have submitted click here and prepare to spend some quality time with the photos: Photos:
1) Jerry Titus
2) Camaro of Richard Hoffman (notice that his backup lights are illuminated!)
3) Mustang of Jerry Titus
4) Jerry Titus Mustang and Roger West Camaro in foreground