I just recently got the unassembled door and rear panels from Legendary and they are very nice.(68 htp standard) You do have to cut the holes for the window cranks and door handles but the board is punched pretty acurate. The holes at the bottom of the door panels for the screws were close but I didn't rely on them. The holes for the panel clips worked very nicely and lined up well. After assembling these panels though, and seeing Scoop's pics, I would almost recommend buying assembled panels or sending out what you have. Attatching the metal tops to the board is tricky because any fasteners tend to show through the vinyl. I used aluminum semi-tubular rivets and ground the heads down. Also, this is the point where I first noticed the top part of the vinyl was a separate piece from the rest of the panel and the new unassembled panels come with excess vinyl at the top where you can either glue it over the metal top and leave it all as one piece, or trim it off and fasten it under the top chrome like the original. I opted to trim and make it a separate piece. My interior had been customized a bit in the late 70s so I relied on my un-touched 69 standard for reference. I was not able to come up with any staples for the weatherstrips either so I went with regular rivets. I fastened the rest of the chrome and emblems using 3M .030" emblem tape and adesion promoter. Everything came out nice but it's a lot of work.