We do not discuss fight club, if you get the reference.
Not sure if this was directed at my comments or the gentleman asking the question about a fake tag.
This is a double edge sword and I know this group is tight lip about this because it can give the fakers more insight on what to do to correct a repo. But, IMO, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out just get a real tag and duplicate it in every detail. It can be done just like anything else if you have the $$$ to buy the equipment to perform the work.
On the flip side, educating people what to spot can likely save them money from making a wrong mistake and also expose fraud. This topic on what to look for in a fake trim tag has been discussed ad-nausea in practically every car group on the web.
Like money, paintings and other areas that bring high dollars, fakes will exist. Only through education can one educate potential buyers by exposing the flaws and maybe either cause a counterfeiter to go broke by not being able to afford the $$$$ to have the equipment necessary and bail out or they will go the distance and duplicate an exact clone that is undetectable, which is likely these days.
In this case the gentleman was asking a question. I feel the question should be answered in a PM at the very least and an FYI sent to the group that it was answered in a PM otherwise people will think CRG is just being rude. Even then you don't know if the person asked in earnest or a counterfeiter masquerading as a would be buyer. Either way the car culture is face with either stay tight lip and let potential buyers make mistakes and also keep the fakers in business preying on them or educate to expose the flaws and the fakers making them. What prevents a true counterfeit copy these days with high precision manufacturing equipment available is $$$$$. So in this case education and knowledge has the advantage.
Sorry about the rant but this is an area that bugs me.
Just my 2 cents.