I couldn't be happier with the Solid Roller that Dave Crower spec'd for the 302. 12:1.
Had to provide the Gear ratios, trans and diff, car weight, intended use, and flow numbers on the heads from .100 - .700. MOST IMPORTANT!!!! EVERYONE tells me the lift is too radical, however the power never drops off, it isn't peaky, and is almost as easy to drive as a Honda.
Link to a video of the engine running...
http://rides.webshots.com/album/578631405AuQvEM?vhost=ridesIt makes stupid power and will destroy the tires by rolling into the throttle in any gear while cruising. SO MUCH FUN...
Broad Torque which is designed to have 350 ft# by 3200 rpm. peaking at 475 shy of 5500