These 1969 Z/28 Camaro FIA forms are a little different than the 1449 forms that Jon posted.
This copy seems to take effect on July 1, 1969, where the item Jon posted was from January 1, 1969. Instead of FIA REC #1449, this version is stamped FIA REC #5293. The FIA REC #1449 appears to use the 1967 and 1968 for additional background, where this FIA REC #5293 seems to rely on only itself.
These FIA REC #5293 forms were acquired through the Automobile Competition Committee for the United States (ACCUS), FIA, Inc. Burdette "Birdie"/"Berdie" Martin is who I spoke with at he ACCUS, FIA, to get these forms. Mr. Martin has done many things in racing, but perhaps of most interest to this forum, he served as chief steward for the SCCA Trans-Am during it's glory years.