What is the typical date code spread between the headlights and the car's build date?
The date code on one of two T3's that I have (one lamp does not have an ink stamp date code), stamped on the back side surface in a reddish brown ink, is "L 6012 32 9 19 12V" (see picture).
Based on the date code info I have, this code is:
L = ?
6012 = lamp trade no.
32 9 19: 3 = month or March, 2 = line no., 9 = year, 19 = day of month, thus March 19, 1969
12 V = 12 volt.
My ’69 Norwood build car is 05A. My 3/19/1969 lamp date code is about 5 week prior my car’s build date. I would not expect that lamps sat around long before being pulled for assembly.
Has any one recently purchased the latest T3 reproduction lamps? Are the DOT markings and glass molds identical or very close to an original?