Author Topic: '69 RS Headlight Door ?  (Read 6345 times)


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'69 RS Headlight Door ?
« on: September 11, 2010, 09:53:02 PM »
Howdy!  First timer here and I'm having issues with a headlight door of my '69 camaro.  The right side stays open about 5/8". Once it stops I can position it where it needs to be with a tug of a finger. The upper and lower gaps are fine.  Is it posible to make adjustments to the assembly or is there something else I can do?  Other than this they work great.


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Re: '69 RS Headlight Door ?
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2010, 04:15:07 AM »
Thank you Rich.  It's getting late in New Mexico for this old man so I'll check them out in the morning.  Looks like a great source and hopefully there are a few tricks in there I can use.  Thanks again for taking the time!

