I thought rich had said the 68 ss hood ornaments went from the finned to the oil cooler type in nov or dec of 67. I will check the e-mail from him when I get home. Here it is
In your visual I.D. table you show the 68 ss hood inserts for the 350 as being the finned type, while in articles by others they talk about a change to the venturi type some time after jan. Which of these is correct? Thanks Darryl
I'm trying to recheck for you based on newer data. We have an indication that a
change occurred in October, but we need to update the data, which we haven't
done in awhile. Rich
You didn't reply to my follow-up, but our research re-cap says that cars built
early Nov or before have the 67 version, with the later type appearing by 12E on
cars shipped after 1 Jan. Not sure of the weeks in between, but my bet would be
that this was a circa 1 Jan change. We'll continue to try to pinpoint it. Rich