The exhaust manifolds were unchanged between the three engines: base 327, L30 327, or L48 350. The manifold design was the rear-exiting "log"-type. The exhaust casting numbers for 1967 were 3892679/3893608 (LH/RH w/o A.I.R.) or 3892683/3872730 (LH/RH w/ A.I.R.). In 1968, the Air Injection Reactor (A.I.R.) emission control system (a.k.a. "smog") became mandatory for all manual transmission cars; the exhaust manifolds used in 1968 were therefore the same as the 1967 A.I.R. version: 3892683/3872730 (LH/RH).
The 1968 L30 and L48 A.I.R. pumps were identical, installing differently than the smog pump on the base V-8.
taken from CRG