Author Topic: YH wheel dates correct for my Z?  (Read 17858 times)


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Re: YH wheel dates correct for my Z?
« Reply #15 on: May 14, 2007, 02:14:17 PM »
The wheels were shipped by rail, so it took a day or two to get the rail car loaded, marshalled and tied into a train at Romulus, another day to get to Norwood, and another day or two to get it re-routed and marshalled into the Norwood yard and spotted inside the plant to be unloaded. Then they had to be sent through the clean, phosphate, dip-prime and bake system, transferred from that conveyor to the wheel paint line conveyor, painted, baked, then transferred to the wheel room for mounting and balancing and installation on the car. Would have taken 5-7 days from the wheel date before it went on a car.

Thanks John. That's good info to keep in the back of our minds.


