Yes, there are so many variables concerning photos and colors. Lighting, natural vs artificial, high sunlight vs early morning or evening, cloud cover, florescent lighting, LED, incandescent, the quality of the camera, digital or old school film photography, exposures, pixels, etc,..etc,... I have had this car for over 40 years, with pictures taken in all kinds of lighting, with all types of cameras. The color looks different in many of them. All I can say is, the door jambs, and inside the truck have the original paint on them, and have never been painted, and the match the repaint on the outside perfectly. The sides are still lacquer paint from a repaint in 1982, the top surfaces are modern urethane painted in the late 90s when I changed hoods for the third time. Everything matches, all the same paint code, even though different types of paint, from different manufacturers,