I would suspect fuel boiling, burping or dripping out boosters or bowl vent tubes, intermittent temporary flooding.
Rich chugs, lean backfires.
Would hesitate to suspect power valve(s).
Simple test for bad power valve, with it running, turn mixture screws in all the way.
If the Power Valve diaphragm is ruptured it usually will keep running, if not it will quit.
imho modern gasoline boils or evaporates a whole lot easier, and doesn't play well with materials.
From Holley get All Metal Needle and Seats rather than Viton Tipped.
Install a fuel pressure regulator as insurance of a constant steady fuel pressure to the carbs.
Slightly lower the Fuel Level in the Fuel Bowls, just at, or just below, the sire screw holes while, with everything HOT, up to temp.
And the hard part, confirm primary Transfer Slot, Idle opening setting AND ALSO the Secondary Side Idle Speed Screw Adjustment and sufficient secondary butterfly idle speed opening.
This ensures that even at idle there is some amount of flow through all 4 bores of the carbs to keeps things fresh, from setting there, getting hot, and boiling.
Just opinions, bench racing, a desire to learn, and share.
Happy Independence Day, Hope all is well with you and yours,
the Good Lord willing, and May God Bless America