Legends Update - the judges have discussed a couple of judging updates. We would welcome and need some input on a couple of updates. First update is on Flashers - Hazard and Turn Signal. The 69 AIM shows the 3928799 Hazard Flasher as Standard with 3904868 and 3934200 as optional. Turn Signal is 390954 as standard with 383638 as optional. The 1968 AIM has these reversed. As does the 67 AIM. The 67 AIM shows the Hazard Flasher as 1381303 as Standard and 3883794 as optional.
From what we know, the Tung-Sol 552 Flasher was standard as a Hazard Flasher with the Signal-Stat 175 as an option for Rally Sport cars. The Tung-Sol 224 Flasher was standard for Turn Signal with the Tung-Sol 552 as an option. All of these flashers are non-DOT.
Questions that would help us would be - What is the 3rd optional hazard flasher in 1969 ? The Signal Stat 175 went through a change from 1967 to 1968. Was this strictly a model year change or a transitional change? The 1967 Signal Stat is all silver in color. The Tung-Sol 552 also is seen in 2 finishes - silver and a brass/gold color. Is this a model year change or other.?
Thanks for any help. Brad