The "in" Tank variable resistor is generally ranged at 0-90 (Zero to Ninety) Ohms
Zero = gage indication of EMPTY.
Ninety = gage indication of FULL.
as a rule additional resistance (* poor/partial ground, cruddy connectors, piched wires etc.) in the line (Circuit as a whole) or connectors can drive the needle past the full indication as these systems age. Usually a symptom of a OPEN circuit in the fuel indication wiring is manifested as a needle driven WAY past full at all time at any fluid level, (i.e. infinite OHMS drives the gage needle fully to the right hand stop in the gage.
One trick is to fill tank, disconnect the tan wire at the connector near the trunk floor & check the resistance using Volt-Ohm Meter and test the fuel sender with tank full and see what you are getting Ohm wise at the output of the sender.
photos to follow,