Chroma Premier runs about $110/pint -
4530S 58.2g
813J 40.8g
808J 30.9g
802J 26.0g
806J 88.8g
819J 7.4g
891J 3.9g
864J 2.5g
62320F 162.2g
62330F 112.1g
This makes slightly over a pint.
I mixed the following for shooting the wheels -
6 Oz above paint
2 oz Flattener ***
3 oz Chroma Basemaker reducer
2 oz Catalyst
***WITHOUT FLATTENER it will not have the correct sheen -ALSO if you don't use flattener the color will also be off SIGNIFICANTLY *** flattener actually lightens because is is really just talc.
I used a SATA knock off and shot it from 15-20" or so away - 20# at the gun with the trigger pulled -(across the pressure drop).
I sprayed a med 40% coat with the wheels starting the gun running from the center of the wheel through the low areas where the lugs are then up the skirt for all low areas then the spokes - then rotated on a hub and sprayed the lip the skirt and the center - making sure to get the wetness pretty even and about the same across the wheel -
after doing all the wheels - while still really tacky...
I closed the volume completely then opened until it just began to spray then 1/4 turn more open ---
Then came back to the first wheel - spun on hub--- and misted from 15 inches, you can even run the air valve in on the gun bottom to make the atomization larger... kind of dry spraying - allowing an even mist of paint to fall on the wheel.
It took 10 coats to get nice even complete coverage. started on the lug nut areas and the deep pockets first because I knew that would be the difficult part getting coverage without making them look odd.
It would have been difficult to have the coverage be too heavy... resist the temptation to open the volume!
I have rubbed them hard with a wash rag and I get nothing off the wheel on the rag nor does it feel any different... We shall see, however it is catalyzed and I have sprayed chroma premier catalyzed on wheels and grilles for years.