There is NO direct relationship between VIN and body number.
The body number was the confirmation number Central Office assigned to a dealer order upon acceptance. It had nothing to do with production scheduling. Chevrolet scheduled production based on a number of factors: equipment availability, dealer location, paint color. How much clout the dealer had also came into play. In your case it is likely N547247 was ordered by a larger volume dealer.
One of the cars, N569475, is an excellent example because it was likely final-assembled December 30, 1968. The first two ZL1 Camaros N569358 & N569359 were final-assembled a few hours prior. Their body numbers are NOR 222002 & NOR 222003. NOR 222001, technically the first ZL1 Fred Gibb ordered, became ZL1 #14 N609238 built on or about March 5, 1969. The first ZL1 Camaro dealer order was NOR 211785. That order became ZL1 #3 N608193 built on or about March 4, 1969.
ZL1s #1 & #2 were moved up the schedule at the request of Chevrolets' General Manager. His name was on their Broadcast Copies.
Another factor was dealers ordering far more Camaros than the plants could build. The highest confirmation numbers seen as of July '69 are 377xxx. That's about 277,000 dealer orders but only 200,000 Camaros had been built. Many orders were cancelled by Chevrolet.
There is nothing unusual about cars built within minutes of each other having body numbers thousands apart.