At some time before I bought this 69 over 13 years ago, it got a new passenger door. Wrong glass codes, yellow not garnet under the door panel, and the key never worked. Back then I simply bought new locks and tossed the old locks in a box.
Fast forward and now I'm putting the car back together with new paint, and I took the old locks to get polished with the rest of the chrome. I had forgotten that the original key never worked in the pass door. So today I took the locks and original key into locksmith, and she told me she can rekey it, but she will destroy the faceplate. So I said just give me a key for it. After making me the key, I said it was a shame it wasn't a GM key. So she dug through her box and pulled out an E blank. Not the same as my original key, and the E is rotated, but it otherwise looks original (even though I have different keys for the doors.
I would be very interested if someone could actually change the lock without destroying the faceplate.
Top key is the original.
Some extra pictures - my camaro in the paint shop. Another week and all that nos chrome I've been hoarding for years will finally have a home.