James what adhesive did you use to reattach the dash pad cover to the hard plastic backer ? Any tips or tricks in doing this....thanks
I used body panel adhesive in a 3M automix gun.
You have to heat the backer up to flatten it - it is POLYSTYRENE - if you burn it smells like a MODEL CAR so I know it's PS.
To flatten it, I used large clamps and a flat piece of 1/4 which I drilled holes in to accept the studs.
After it's back into the correct shape -
Then you heat the cover 200 deg or so and stretch it back over the lip using duck billed sheet metal pliars, gluing it and clamping it into place for the next few hours.
Honestly it is a PITA... I have done a 2nd gen one as well and the best way is to mount it in the car with the windshield out and everything gutted and shape it that way.