I agree with John as I had the same problem when I reinstalled my "Glide in my '69 RS back in 2005. Your current problem, most probably, is that when the shifter inside the car is in park, the shift lever on the side of the transmission is not fully engaged in the park position due to the cable not being adjusted prooperly. The assembly manual has details, but as a start, if you haven't disturbed the original settings significantly, the following should get you in the ball park.
First, put the car on a level surface and chock the wheels.
Loosen the cable at the transmission lever on the side of the transmission. Now double check that the shifter inside the car is in the full park and detent position. Next, physically push the shift lever on the side of the transmisiison all the way into its park position. Reconnect the cable. It is important to make sure that both the transmission and the shifter are both in the full detent, park position when you make the final adjustment on the cable. This should eliminate the intermittent noises and the tendency for the car to want to move in park. Double check all other positions, R, N, D, L and make sure that when you pull the shifter into the detent position for a particular gear that the transmission lever is also in its detent position and not in between. If you have an assembly manual, look carefully at section M35 in the RPO seciton in the back of the manual for the details and factory procedure for adjusting the cable.