Item #7 at the following CRG Link: has the VIN # information by month/year for Camaro production at LOS and NOR
End of Oct 1968 VIN #506631
End of Nov 1968 VIN #510583
Total Camaro production at Los Angeles for Nov 1968 = 3952 cars
Your VIN #508938 is the 2307th Camaro built in Nov 1968 at Los Angeles.
11B build date is when Fisher Body began the assembling the body. See CRG link: good reference for the vehicle assembly process.
From the above link:
Van Nuys also ran two shifts, and produced 35 cars per hour, or 560 per day, but only half of those were Camaros in 1969 - the other half of their schedule was full-size Chevrolet Impala and Caprice models. Based on the above reference, Los Angeles (Van Nuys) Camaro production was 280 cars/day. This would imply your car being built somewhere on the
9th of November. However, if Van Nuys built 280 Camaros per day in Nov 1968, they would have built twice the number actually built.
If instead, we use a simple extrapolation; your VIN # would imply that you car was assembled somehwere around the
15-17th of Nov 1968.
I'll have to leave it to others to further clarify. In any event, your trim tag build of 11B is consistent with the VIN.