Author Topic: Heater box door seal fit ???  (Read 2970 times)


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Heater box door seal fit ???
« on: January 25, 2015, 06:23:08 PM »
I am rebuilding my heater box that goes under the dash. There are the three doors inside the box regulating the airflow through it.

The door closest to the heater core controlling the hot/cold air mix....The middle door that controls how much air flows through the box (from zero to wide open)....and the third door that diverts the air to either to the defroster ducts or to the floor.

My question concerns the seal on that middle door that controls how much air is flowing through the box.

I bought a new seal kit for the box from OER. The seal fits fine on the vertical edges of the door but is not tall enough to make a tight seal between the door and the box along the top and bottom edges.

My original seal was completely gone so I have no reference.....So what I am wondering the OER seal made that way by design so that a little bit of air is always flowing through the box or should it be tight on all four sides of the door completely sealing off any airflow.

I have some material that I can cut a bigger seal out of but am not sure if I should.

Thanks Dave