Here's my version. Car is preparing to go from barn to garage, if I can figure out how to stuff 4 in a three car space. I thought about stacking them like my local Camaro junkyard has done - only I don't have a forklift like he does.
I'm prepared for the "shame on you" remarks. Please don't depress me any more than looking at these pics does already. Any small mammal enthusiasts can get a real thrill reading tracks on the windshield as well - combination of cat and 'coon. True "rat" motored car.
No, it's not a Hugger Orange Z, it's a Cortez L78 disguised as HO, plus a little Daytona thrown in for effect. On a serious note, look at the original paint/firewall line blurb right above the heater box. Black cove paint can still be seen in the trunk area.
Those are trumpet vine remnants with some blackberry canes growing inside the barn, or were. Mud dauber nest the size of a grapefruit attached to the taillight for additional camouflage.