No seams that I can determine - the stamping was apparently done in one draw, and then progressively formed in secondary operations including the snout (and hose clamps on auto air cleaners) welding. There are not any other welded areas on these that I have ever been able to find. Draw die evidence includes the "ribs" you see around the coil clearance recess area - vertical lines as a result of deformation (wrinkling) in that operation - most cleaners usually have a pattern all the way around the can where the metal is deformed during the drawing. I have to base all of this on the second designs; the only flat bottom ZL2 cleaner I have examined was during a quick inspection of an X33, March car, P-O-P, that was being shipped to Montana during an owner's move. Looked like your cleaner, exactly. Wish I had been able to take pics -